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Five Reasons to Make the Switch to eStatements

eStatements give you quick, safe, and clutter-free access to your accounts. Discover other benefits of enrolling in eStatements.

Going digital has become more and more critical since the pandemic began. So many different services have moved online, like paying utility bills or renewing your vehicle tags. And for much of the business we conduct daily, paper is becoming the exception rather than the norm.

Your banking statement is no different. eStatements have been around for many years, but they have become increasingly popular lately. Customers who switch from paper statements to eStatements have found they have greater control over their month-end budget. If you haven’t already switched to using eStatements, here are a few reasons to make a change: 

  1. Get 24/7 access to your statement. As long as you have an Internet connection, you can access your statement online anytime, anywhere. Plus, you’ll have immediate access to up to 18 months of statements if you need them. And if you need a printed copy of your statement, you can easily download and print it at your convenience.
  2. Decrease your risk for identity theft or mail fraud. Paper statements are easier to lose when delivered through “snail mail.”  And if someone happens to access your statement in your mailbox, your personal information may be at risk. On the other hand, an eStatement gives you an extra layer of security since it’s sent directly to your online account, where only you have access using your login credentials.
  3. View your statements as soon as they’re available. Traditionally, you may have had to wait for your statement to be printed and mailed to you. With eStatements, you get immediate access to your statement online so you can manage your month-end budget more effectively. 
  4. Become more environmentally friendly. Even with recycling, paper is a costly resource. Despite years of research and change, it still takes approximately 24 trees to make a ton of paper. And some estimates show that more than 40% of the world’s wood harvest goes to paper. So when you switch to eStatements, you’ll do your part in reducing your paper trail—saving trees and reducing greenhouse emissions associated with paper manufacturing, printing, and mail transportation.
  5. Declutter and get organized. Your online account acts as a virtual filing cabinet for your statements. That means you’ll experience less clutter in your life and more security since you won’t have to store statements securely in your home or office or find a safe way to dispose of them after use. eStatements really do help make your life simpler. 

It’s easy to enroll in eStatements at Quail Creek Bank—and it’s free to do. 

If you have any other questions about Quail Creek Bank’s eStatements, visit our website, use Video Banking, or call us at 405-755-1000.

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