Author: Regan Robinett

How to Combat ACH and Wire Fraud
ACH (Automated Clearing House) and wire fraud pose significant business threats, potentially resulting in financial losses, reputational damage, and legal complications. Consider adopting these strategies to help protect your business.

Doing Back-to-School Shopping Right
Back-to-school shopping can be an exciting and overwhelming time for students and parents. And with some planning and organization, you can ensure that your back-to-school shopping experience is done right.

Protecting Your Business from Insider Corruption
Insider corruption can have devastating consequences for your business. Here are a few practical strategies to prevent this type of fraud from happening to your business.

Congratulations, Dianna
Dianna was promoted to senior vice president in June 2023 by the bank’s board of directors.

Staying Safe on Public Wi-Fi Networks: Risks and Precautions
With the widespread availability of public Wi-Fi networks, staying connected has become easier than ever. Unfortunately, these networks come with inherent security risks. Learn how you can protect yourself.